Read, Write … Sing!

[Editor’s note: the two links in this post are marked in bold and italics.]

Band practice before the choir joins them on stage
Not all the tape bits are shown here
Last-minute instruction before the service
Fancy screen that shows lyrics and Bible passages
Watch your step on the step to the ramp
Author singing with the ladies’ choir

6 Replies to “Read, Write … Sing!”

  1. Aud, thanks for sharing this, and bringing a smile to my face! What a wonderful way to honor your mom. And good for your for singing joyfully despite any distractions! 😊

    1. Hi, Gemma. Yeah, I definitely had distractions. It seems the unexpected often happens to me. Wait till you hear about my experience at my school’s graduation this past Thursday! I’m trying to decide if I’ll write about that or not. LOL

        1. I might post a blog about it. I spoke to a few seniors to see if they’d mind having their picture posted and they were fine with it. So something might be coming. 🙂

  2. Aud, I love this! You paint such a picture of a beautiful experience. I can feel your joy and exuberance and sense that God is smiling down on you. Beautifully written. Thank you for taking us on the journey with you. I loved it! And I was there that day enjoying the joy on your face!

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