
The theme for this site is “Live, Read, Write” which pretty much sums up who I am.


I’m a strong believer that experiences enrich our writing. I’m also impossibly curious and like trying new things. Learning and having new experiences isn’t just fun, it expands your mind and gives you fodder for future creative writing endeavors.

A character that juggled in one of my novels inspired me to learn to juggle. Thanks to the musicians that often populate my fiction, I’ve taken music lessons for trumpet, drums, keyboards and electric guitar. If I cloned myself, I could form a really bad garage band.

I’ve had other life experiences that are sure to show up in future blogs.

For me, living also includes the spirit. God has always been in my life, I just didn’t always recognize it. Now I I’m evolving into the Child of God I was always meant to be.


I was a “late-bloomer” when it came to reading. I’m definitely there now, especially now that I own an eReader. It’s like holding a library in your palm! Since I write a lot of middle grade fiction, I read juvenile novels, but that’s not all. I read cozy mysteries, fantasy, sci-fi, Christian fiction and just about anything that features horses. I’ll never climb Mt. Kilimanjaro or hike the Appalachian Trail, but I love reading travel logs about those kinds of adventures.


This is my favorite activity! Getting ideas, jotting them down, brainstorming more ideas, writing the first draft (sometimes that isn’t fun), editing, polishing, sharing my writing with my critique group, editing some more and submitting.

My goal for this site is to share writing ideas and prompts, as well as book reviews and stories from life. Ready? Let’s get out there and live, read and write!