Parents can’t have favorites, but …

6 Replies to “Parents can’t have favorites, but …”

  1. Wow, that is a great Kirkus review, Aud! It’s truly earned and, as Antigone said, well deserved.
    This makes me even more eager to read Aylen Isle!
    (To be honest, I thought the reviews of Frama-12 and Hutra were pretty darn good, too. 😊)

    1. Thanks, Gemma. It was a happy surprise. 😊
      But I still think Frama-12’s review was less than stellar, and Hutra only marginally better. The reviews felt a little like the three bears. Frama-12’s review was too hard. Hutra’s was NOT soft. But Aylen Isle was definitely Just Right. 😀

    1. Thanks, Antigone! It was certainly a delightful surprise, especially after all my fretting about it during those final days at the conference. 🙂 Although, I should add that I didn’t fret 24/7. I only fretted when I wasn’t busy doing things. Or getting lost on campus. 🤣

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