Congratulations, Class of 2024

Keen eyes might recognize the striped sweater as the same one I wore in the Mother’s Day choir. Fear not, enough time had elapsed between the two dates to wash it. 😊 I took it off anyway because it got too hot.

Questionable weather changed our venue from an outdoor stadium to a gym. That meant we had to gather before the ceremony in an auditorium.

Some of my HVAC guys, waiting in the auditorium

To keep everybody in alphabetical order and grouped according to their specific field of study, staff arrived ahead of time and taped each person’s name on the auditorium seats. That way, when the requisite hour arrived, we would rise and proceed down the hallway to the gym in the proper order.

My seat in the auditorium
Waiting for the ceremony to begin
An assistant’s-eye-view of the crowd in the gym.
Waiting our turn
The instructor and I leaving too soon

When something like that happens, you can either die of embarrassment or laugh about it. Surprisingly, the next day, when I confessed all to several coworkers, none of them knew it happened. Now they will. 🤣

Despite the faux pas at graduation, this year will go down as one of the best.

In our shop with one of the seniors

3 Replies to “Congratulations, Class of 2024”

  1. Thanks, Gemma! And thanks for your comment. I was concerned that my original subscribers had somehow been deleted. I’m glad to see that wasn’t the case!

    Getting back to the story – Sometimes I think Faux Pas should be my middle name. 🤣

    1. LOL! Oh, don’t feel badly– anybody can commit faux pas like that…! (or, as one humorous gentleman liked to call them: fox paws! ) 😀 The important thing is, you made did your best to make it right. 😊

  2. Great story, Aud! And great photos, too! The “whoopsie” pics make me laugh. I’m glad you heard that student’s plaintive voice–and gave him a hug! He seemed happy in the end. 😊

    Despite some minor faux pas like that, I know your students are lucky to have you!

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