There’s no greater joy than basking in possibility and new beginnings. It’s that feeling of excitement you get just before you ski down the side of a mountain or that belly-tickling sensation you get from the clacking sound of a roller coaster car inching toward the top of the first hill.
If thrill rides are too freaky, imagine the moment before you unwrap an unexpected gift. You don’t know what’s inside yet, but you feel the potential. Of course, once you open it and find a pair of socks, the enthusiasm tends to wane.
As a writer, that unwrapped gift can come in the form of an encouraging email that reads, “I enjoyed the story–the characters were engaging, and the storyline was both unique and entertaining. I’d like to send the manuscript to my senior editor with a request for a contract.”
When I got that message about my fantasy novel, Frama-12, I wanted to bounce off the walls, shouting, “Woot woot! Ah-oo-gah! Ah-oo-gah!” like a cartoon character with its eyes popping out.
But, like a roller coaster, the next line took a dip: “My senior editor may still decide to decline the title.” [My emphasis] Then it zoomed upward again: “but I’m hoping she’ll enjoy it as much as I did.”
Rejection is part of the writing life, and I’ve had plenty of practice being gracious. In three weeks, I’ll know if this unwrapped gift is a contract or a pair of metaphorical socks. For now, though, I’ll smile and believe.
I might even tell myself I’m outstanding in my field.

I’ll keep everyone posted on Frama-12.
Wow, Aud! Woo hoo! I’m right there with you on the precipice! OK, maybe not as near as the edge as you are, but still feeling kind of breathless at that email. 😀 Actually, I like the roller-coaster metaphor better…
Wise words from Stan about the inherent delight in writing — and the special joy in the appreciation of others for something we’ve written. Frama-12 would be such an excellent book to get out there to the world!
Thanks for your vote of confidence in Frama-12, Gemma. I feel like it can go either way on the precipice. That was why I decided to document the process. This will either be the journey of moving from story to publication or of picking oneself up after a rejection. Time will tell.
The roller coaster of writing is a fun ride. From your heart in your throat to the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach it’s quite the adventure. The craft has an inherent delight but recognition by others takes things to a whole other level. Congrats on the nod. Looking forward to seeing it in print for the world to enjoy.
Thanks, Stan! It’s definitely a ride that I’m still on. I’m guardedly optimistic. If not this time, then the next. 🙂