The Good, My Bad, and the Annoying

I loved the reflection!
We met in an auditorium … but we only had 12 people!
My room
The sign I put on my door
Clockwise from top left: Pond, group photo; turtles and the sky after a storm

6 Replies to “The Good, My Bad, and the Annoying”

  1. I found my little envelope for the key (that I had kept so carefully) in my suitcase when I got home. Luckily I didn’t hold up anyone in line! Hugs!

    1. So funny, Klara 🤣. Those little envelopes were the bane of many “campers'” existence. Glad you got a chance to check out my blog, neighbor 😁

  2. It sounds like a week of great reflection, adventure and misadventures!
    What a week at summer camp!💕

  3. Thanks, Gemma. It was an experience I’m glad I had. Plus, it’s always good to be reminded that wizardry is everywhere. Makes life interesting 😁.

  4. What adventures you have, Aud! I agree, there surely was wizardry afoot, with vanishing tables and suddenly appearing vistas!

    I’m glad you found your way toward the Story-telling. It sounds like a great group, and perfect for you. 😊

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