Baby Hutra came into the world early this morning with little fanfare. But that can happen to a middle “child.” Still, anyone who pre-ordered the eBook will have received the digital version first thing today.
Big sister, Frama-12, got a book baby shower. Sorry, Hutra. At least you got a birthday ribbon.

The Kirkus Review Magazine featured Frama-12’s review with its review tagline on the top of the page. Apologizes to Hutra for not receiving that honor. But the magazine still published Hutra’s review in the February 15 issue. Even though it didn’t win top billing, just getting included is reason for celebration.

The Wild Rose Press no longer sells books from its site but it still features new releases.

A middle child often gets hand-me-downs, but that doesn’t mean that “child” can’t be a favorite, and right now Hutra is! 🙂
To order Hutra or Frama-12 through Barnes and Noble, please click here.
To order Hutra through Amazon, please click here.
Thanks for celebrating Hutra’s “birth” with me!
And looking to the future: Book Three is almost ready to show up on a sonogram! 🙂
Woo hoo! Happy Birthday, Hutra! It’s so cool your “birth announcement” (so to speak) is in the illustrious Kirkus review.
I can’t wait to get to know you better, youngster! 🙂
Thanks, Gemma!
I hope you enjoy the “youngster” as much as I do!